1.Yes, sometime I do. Because
cloths are one of the way to
express to their personality.
2. It is difficult quesion. Although
if people is Japanese, I will be
able to say yes soon, I could'nt
say same answer clearly if they
are people from foreign country.
But I believe that people from
foreign country also know TPO.
For example they don't wear T-shirt
at the important conference.
So my anwer is Japanese society
don't judge because they dress.
No, they don't.
But sometime they reflect my mood.
1.subject about income.
2.Yes, I have.
someone has different idea,
sence of value, and sense of
fashion. I also talk about
difference thing and go to
difference place. For example
night club, cafe bar in the night.
But I could find new different
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